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Lemony Syrup Cake (Revanija)

Shared by: Anica
Recipe origin: Macedonia

With a dozen eggs and almost a kilo of sugar this cake isn’t for the faint-hearted. On the bright side, it’s almost flourless, so it’s light on carbs.

Whole eggs are beaten for 10 minutes until thick and creamy, a small amount of semolina flour and self raising are folded through along with the zest of one lemon. Once baked the cake has a delicate crust and a sponge finger biscuit consistency. The cake is then completely cooled and drenched with a hot lemony sugar syrup.

It’s perfect served with a ‘Tursko kafe’ (Turkish coffee) or, as I served it up for friends with a dollop of double cream which I sprinkled with lightly roasted flaked almonds. It looked really pretty and the cream helped to cut through the sugary syrup, a perfect balance.


Serves 36

12 organic or free-range eggs, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
6 heaped tablespoons (70g) self raising flour, sifted
6 heaped tablespoons (95g) semolina flour, sifted
Zest of 1 lemon (optional)

4 cups (880g) caster sugar
5 cups (1.25L) water
2-3 pieces of lemon peel
1 teaspoon lemon essence (or replace with a squeeze of lemon juice)

1) Preheat oven to 180ºC and grease a large rectangular baking tray.

2) Beat eggs and vanilla essence in a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer until tick and creamy (8-10 minutes). Using a large metal spoon fold in self raising flour, semolina and lemon zest (optional). Pour mix into prepared baking tray. Bake for 40 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

3) For syrup, bring water, sugar and lemon peel to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes or until thick and syrupy.

4) While the syrup is hot, drizzle 2-3 tablespoons over the cool cake and cut into 4-5cm wide horizontal strips. Drizzle over another 2-3 tablespoons and cut the cake on a 40º angle into diamond pieces. Add the lemon essence (optional) or a squeeze of lemon juice to the syrup, stir through and and gently pour over the cake. Cover tightly with a sheet of foil (5-10 minutes). Allow to completely cool and refrigerate.

5) Serve cold or at room temperature with a dollop of double cream and lightly toasted flaked almonds and a strong black coffee.

– This recipe makes a really large batter which you will need an extra large rectangular cake tin, alternatively use 2 smaller tins or halve the recipe.

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